Thursday, February 7, 2008


5. VISHUDDHI (-ve Taught)

- We judge people and we start asking fundamental questions.

- Human mind need an issue to chow.

- No issue then the mind will create issues.

- Hunger, fear, lust and sleep, why this 4 alone for human?

- Mind will ask questions from an answer.

- The problem of fundamental question & judgment is the -ve side.

- The acceptance and surrender is the +ve side. E.g.: “So be it the divine will” by Chinese farmer. I. Lost 1 horse. II Got 6+1 horse. III. His son lost his leg over the horse. IV. For war, he was left.

- Our own judgments provide bad things in other. E.g.: the scolding of teacher bring bad thing in child.

- Point 4 & 5 are true human.

  1. How much acceptance has you able to bring to your spouse? In spouse body, beauty is not the criteria.
  2. How much do I accept my own inherent potential? Asserts you have created?
  3. How much do I make people feel accepted?
  4. What is the fundamental question in which the large part of the life was wasted?

6. AJNA (eyebrow center) (makes command)

- Potential 1. Growth & expansion, 2. Sharing & contribution.

- Giving a car as gift to anyone, we cannot get love from him or her.

- Love must be built for days to days.

- Unless we learn we cannot grow.

- For usual job thing and learn to market it better.

- Ajna is the center of intelligence.

  • Growth and learning

1. Am focussed on growth and learning, rate ‘between 0 to 10’?

2. What kind of leaner am I today?

3. By learning, how much have I brought to my profession, in past 3 years?

4. How much growth I have seen in my profession, in past 3 years, rate ‘between 0 to 10’?

5. Am I happy with my growth?

· Sharing & contribution (highest & noblest cause of life)

  1. Am I somebody who value contribution?
  2. Are you some body who help people grow?
  3. Do I take pleasure in contributing?
  4. Do I contribute what situation demands?
  5. What do I usually contribute to others? (We contribute what situation demands)
  6. Has your contribution expand over year? Is it in same level?
  7. Do you contribute growth to people consciously?
  8. Is your radius of influence expanding?
  9. Ask, “ How could I help you?”

7. SAHASRARA (1000 petal rose)

- Grown of your head.

- It is a gift. It is a benediction.

1. How do I get causeless unending bliss?

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