Thursday, February 7, 2008



Before the child is born:

§ Enquire why do you want a Child?

§ Enquire are you ready to have a child?

§ Enquire whether the relationship with parents is set right?

§ Enquire whether the relationship with spouse is set right?

§ The newborn child carries the crucifix carried by the parent during pregnancy.

§ Look for a good time to conceive a child.

During Pregnancy:

§ When you conceive, let it be by prayer and ask for divine child.

§ In pregnancy, both father and mother must be happy.

§ Prepare to sacrifice world pleasure like watching TV serial.

§ During pregnancy, hear good music, have good taught, have good sight, be devotional, be pleasant and have great experience.

§ Don’t think of termination during pregnancy, it may make a bad mark in the child. E.g.: Movie ‘POWDER’

After Child is born:

§ First 6 hours of the childbirth, it has expanded thinking, it thinks strong on the surrounding environment.

§ Feel as a divine child when the child is born.

§ Use less light in the place of newborn child.

§ The tube connecting the child and mother can be cut after 5 min the child is born.

§ Keep the newborn child over the mothers belly for some time as soon as the child is born.

§ Then lower the baby in a tub of water, as it was present in a fluid state in mother’s womb.

§ Keep the newborn child near to mother’s heart to hear the sound of mother’s heart.

§ Keep the mother and newborn child alone for first 20 minutes. This is practiced in West Indies.

During the growth of the child:

§ During the growth of child read Panchatantra.

§ 3 Stage of Child





0 to 6


Most important, no denial, no ‘NO’, it register the experience no language needed


7 to 14


Never ever compare, do all things happily like cleaning the house with joy, don’t scold them for telling lies as they tell it under natural compulsion.


After 14


Learn to tell ‘NO’ for some questions.

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