Thursday, February 7, 2008


7 LEVEL OF HUMAN BEING FUNCTION [Chackra or Ducklas Gland]

1. MULADARA (Stable & Secure (money))

  1. Am I making my spouse secure.
  2. Am I providing security financially emotionally on the scale of 0 to 10, how much am I providing
  3. At work place how much stability & security do I provide to my superior, to my colleagues, to those who work under me (subordinates), to my origination, rate ‘between 0 to 10’?
  4. Are you somebody who value stability in yourself and the other (spouse)?

2. SWADISTHANA (tip pf the spine)

- For pleasure, change or variety. Extreme indulge in pleasure leads to reduction in intelligence. Pleasure means, pleasure in sleep, eat & sex.

- If we know to say, ‘Enough’, we will have pleasure and intelligence.

  1. How much of the variety (change & pleasure) do I provide to spouse with interaction to her in gesture, action & smile?
  2. How much pleasure I provide & what ways I can improve it?
  3. How much variety do I provide at work place? Am I someone who make-work lovable, enjoyable, game?
  4. In what way can I make work & workplace more interesting?

3. MANIPURA (naval)

- For power, importance, significance, position (dangerous place)

- For importance, they hurt badly.

- Make others important, we become important. This is +ve manner.

  1. How much of importance do I provide to my spouse in our conversation (day to day basis)? [No respect to women can develop arthritis to them]
  2. At your work place do you make your superior unimportant?
  3. Do you make your colleagues feel important, rate ‘between 0 to 10’?
  4. Do you make your subordinates feel important, rate ‘between 0 to 10’?
  5. Do you make your children feel important, rate ‘between 0 to 10’?
  6. How much do your parent feels you as important, rate ‘between 0 to 10’?
  7. How much do your team member feels you as important, rate ‘between 0 to 10’?
  8. What action to be taken to make your team member feels you as important?

4. ANAHATHA (Heart Centre)

- Potential to love and connection.

- Love is a magical thing.

- Universe is guided by “Need to Love” and “Needed to Love (Need to be love)”

- Love is not fear, aggression, and possessiveness.

- Love enriches both parties.

- Love is causeless.

- “Love thy neighbor as yourself” – Jesus Christ.

- Set for a high standard & love to reach that standard.

- Fill the cavity in others hearts & you will feel very happy.

- Love yourself and God loves us.

- Connect with every one, even tortoise (age 100) and rhino (age 1) connect.

- Affection to be affected.

- Love is like water. (Water cut rock)

- Love is strong.

- Affectionate words (learn languages of affection) E.g.: little Meera hug & wiped the tears from her mother who slapped her due to the anger she had over her doubtful husband.

  1. How far do I connect to my spouse and parents, rate ‘between 0 to 10’?
  2. How I feel when I see them in pain, rate ‘between 0 to 10’?
  3. How far I connect to my people in work place, rate ‘between 0 to 10’?
  4. How far do I connect to people in job, rate ‘between 0 to 10’?
  5. Do I share happiness?
  6. Do I touch or hug?
  7. Do I smile?
  8. Do I look into people eyes?
  9. Do I hold hands?
  10. Do I use enduring words?

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