Thursday, February 7, 2008



Don’t select a partner:

  1. When you are deeply hurt by the parents.
  2. When you are feeling depressed.

Select your partner:

  1. When you integrate the head and heart.
  2. When you listen to inner heart that is the sense of alignment.

For a Ideal Partner:

  1. I will take care of her.
  2. Define the meaning of independent & my secure within both of you.
  3. Accept to take humiliation.
  4. She must be Financially Abundance.
  5. Feel grateful with each other and get prosperity.
  6. Ask, “What changes am I prepared to make for the one I love because my habits, my life, everything comes after the person?”
  7. Tell, “She/He is my most important” unconditional love.
  8. Tell, “The happiness of my spouse is more important for me than everything else in the world. It is important than my carrier, than my property, than my achievements, desire and even my parents”
  9. The sacrifice means give in love and pain for no return.
  10. In marriage life there must be “give and take policy”.
  11. Look for ideal relationship and create it with both of us.
  12. Before marriage accept as he or she is.
  13. Thank God for the body He has given me.
  14. Love once roots, acceptance of intellectual capability.
  15. To avoid the problem, think more of the problem and forget it forever.
  16. 5 levels of Marriage.

Level of marriage



So much of love – Full love.


Not full love but some reduced


Live like room mates


Planning to escape.



  1. Ask, “ Are you living in dream?”
  2. Ask, “ Why are you not taking to next level?”
  3. If any intelligent effort put on our gift it grows.
  4. Marriage regenerate when we don’t trying to change the other. E.g.: Don’t say, “If you change, I will be happy”. Because, trying other to change is like Framework activity and its expectance inevitably leads to hurt.
  5. Tell, “Whenever I am dissatisfied in my relationship. I shall ask quality question & my question will be what is the framework I have created that does not fit this person into?”
  6. Tell, “ My relationship is more important to me than my hurt and my humiliation”.
We must learn that what we do, our children will also do it, so do well so that our children also do well.

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